Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Getting back

Well after being sick for 4 days I’m back and am trying to get back into the swing of things. It's still taking quite a bit of time to get caught up but I’m slowly but surely getting there. After getting back I had close to 11 assignments to get done.

Well it's getting close to mid-terms now and I bet everyone is feeling the pressure. Luckily for us, most of the exams are spaced out enough so that we have proper time to study. Our first one, Applications of engineering principles (better known as physics) is tomorrow. It shouldn't be too hard but you never know.

Everyone seems to be getting along better each day and helping each other out. We should get some studying groups going and help each other study. Of course if that happens we'll all get distracted with each other. Or at least I'll get distracted.

My favorite class right now is drafting. Right now we're using AutoCAD. It kind of reminds me of computer animation in grade 12. I really enjoyed that class so drafting is really interesting for me. I think it will be really cool once we get into the 3-D section of it. Once we get there, if anyone needs a hand, I will probably be helpful. Actually, I think that Drafting is the only subject that I’m fully caught up in. Woooo!

I'm somewhat caught up in Technical Communications as well. I still have to do the persuasive letter but so does everyone else. So technically (hahaha that’s a bad pun there) I’m caught up in that class as well.

I don't know about everyone else but it is getting harder and harder to do new blogs each week. You have to try to put something different each week but you run out of things to say (hence why I am writing this paragraph as well as this sentence I’m writing in the brackets. You have to add words somehow!)

I've run out of things to say so I think I'll sign off now.

Word Count ( Von Count) 350


Blogger Kyle Turner said...

Man, you got totally bonned being sick for that long, mad props on getting yourself caught up again. Lately I've been having trouble getting myself to concentrate on school work. Personally I bonned myself on the physics exam; I screwed up in the first equation, but I'm hoping I can get some part marks.

9:30 PM  

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