Thursday, October 26, 2006

careers gone by..

In each of the three (four if you count a paper route) jobs I have had some , how shall I put it... "interesting" experiences. Most of these had to do with the manager but not all of the them.

The first job I had was a paper route which I started when I was around 10 years old. It started out as one route, 2 times a week and had to be delivered before 6:00 pm. This then became three routes, three times a week. Eventually, we got rid of the first route but continued to the the other two for a while longer. The total time I had that job was 7 years. I hated it so much but couldn't get rid of it because I didn't have another job. One day, I think it was on Halloween, I was supposed to deliver the papers right after I got home from school. Instead, because I really didn't want to do them, I put those papers in a bag and hid them in the house. They were eventually discovered by my parents and I got in trouble for it.. woops!

My second job was at the fast-food restaurant, A&W. Not one of my best ideas I've had in my life. I spent a total of one and a half years there and after the first month or so it became hell on Earth for me. I was called in at least once a week, every week because someone had left or was "sick." My first manager there was a guy named Tom. He was a really good manager and an easy going guy. He left about 6 months or so after I started and was replaced by another guy whom I don't feel like naming. I was really sick one time and my mother called to tell them I couldn't work because I was too sick. Not only that, but if I did work I would have contaminated everything I touched. Anyways, my mom called and the manager said to her, "Well he better get his butt in here anyways!" To my mother!!!! I quit that job soon after and bid that place adue.

My third job was at the movie theatre "Famous Players." not much to tell there because I lafter after about 2 months to get a better job. The manager wasn't very nice either and the assistant manager liked to through her power around. :P

My fourth job was at "Falcon Scaffolding and Ladders." It was a pretty good job that paid well and had a great assortment of people. Not only that, but I worked with two of my really good friends. I worked 3:30 pm to 1:30 am, Monday to Thursday. Basically I woke up at around 12-1, got ready for work, worked, went home, slept and so on. It was basically grunt work but it wasn't too bad and I made quite a bit from it.

Hopefully my next job will be better than the ones I have had up until now. I think it will be because most of the delinquints don't have an education and can't apply for the jobs.

Thats all from me for now. Ciao

El' Capitano Morgano

Word (Ac)count 540


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