Thursday, November 02, 2006

Interview Me!

Ah, the good old days of job searching. I started my job search when I really began to loath my paper route. I started with some of the "better" places in town, Also known as IGA and the Grand 10. After not receiving any word from either place I decided I needed to lower my standards. So I applied at A&W. Not one of my brightest ideas that’s for sure. They called later on in the day and we set up an interview. The interview was really slack, really relaxed and I ended up getting the job in the end. After I quit A&W I was unemployed for a few months because of school and football. After football season was over I went back on the prowl. I decided that I needed something far above and A&W job. So I applied at a movie theatre that one of my friends worked at. He helped me get an interview and I ended up getting the job. Unfortunately I had to go away for spring break on a trip with my family. This meant that I couldn't start right away. They said that after I came back they would call me and let me know when I started. One and a half weeks later... I was fed up with waiting so I gave them a call. Apparently, the manager that hired me has quit and my resume and cover letter "magically" disappeared and the new manager had no idea who I was. So after a bit of talking I set up a second interview even though I already had a job there *rolls eyes*. I worked for 2 or 3 months and quit because I had a better job lined up at another friend's Uncle's company. I didn't even have an interview there. It was basically, "Hi my name is Morgan," "Hi Morgan, you start on Monday." Yup, that's about the extent of it. It was a good job and paid pretty well.

That’s all for now I suppose. Hope everyone had a great Halloween!

Word (En)count(er) 347


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