Wednesday, November 29, 2006

10 years after

The question about where I see myself in 10 years has always bugged me. Whenever someone asks me the question I have a really hard time finding and answer to it. In high school I didn't know what I was going to after I had graduated. It was sort of a last minute decision to go into Mech. Eng. Also, I have a real hard time setting goals for the future. So 10 years is even harder for me to figure out where I'll be.

If I had to answer the question I would start with the first couple of years. I guess I would like to move out after I graduate, work for a few years after I'm out of school and pay off school and car insurance. Then I would go for a vacation somewhere for a while. After that I would keep working and then I'd like to get married at some point.

From this I guess I see myself, in 10 years, working in a job that I enjoy and hopefully married. I would also like to have a place of my own and get a better car. I'm not sure whether I would move out of Kelowna or not. I really like living here but I think that it would be nice to move somewhere else and get a better view of the world.

This blog is starting to get really boring and is really hard for me to write so I'm going to end it while I'm ahead.

Well this is the last word from me for now. Ciao once again.


Word (I no longer have words with) Count (in it) 278

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Inventions O' Mine

I have always been interested in inventing new things and pulling stuff apart and making it into something new. When I was little (No short jokes please) I was addicted to LEGO. I would spend hours and hours in my room just building whatever came out of my imagination. This carried throughout the years until I finally gave up my LEGO. I find myself missing it sometimes. Anyways, my imaginative mind brought me other materials to modify to my liking. This included my modified remote control car, an across the room light switch shut off (this was a popsicle stick taped to the switch and then a piece of string attached to it which went around something on the roof and came down beside me) and most recently a sword that I made from 1x4. These aren't really inventions but they're the closest things to inventions that I've done. I always come up with ideas of inventions that would be really good but I usually forget about it in a couple of hours.

I personally thought that the show American Inventor was really interesting. Some people had really good ideas. Most of them didn't though. My favorite thing about the show was that people would bring things in that were "their inventions" when they were just a variation of something that had already been invented. It was really interesting to see some of the inventions that people had come up with though.

In grade 11 I entered the physics olympics with a couple other people. Our challenge was to build a hovercraft using 2 computer fans. It took some time and was a blast to make. We didn't place but I was still proud of what we did.

Well I think thats all from me for now. I have an urge to pull something apart and rebuilt it.

Word (I've run out of words with) Count (in it) 320

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Interview Me!

Ah, the good old days of job searching. I started my job search when I really began to loath my paper route. I started with some of the "better" places in town, Also known as IGA and the Grand 10. After not receiving any word from either place I decided I needed to lower my standards. So I applied at A&W. Not one of my brightest ideas that’s for sure. They called later on in the day and we set up an interview. The interview was really slack, really relaxed and I ended up getting the job in the end. After I quit A&W I was unemployed for a few months because of school and football. After football season was over I went back on the prowl. I decided that I needed something far above and A&W job. So I applied at a movie theatre that one of my friends worked at. He helped me get an interview and I ended up getting the job. Unfortunately I had to go away for spring break on a trip with my family. This meant that I couldn't start right away. They said that after I came back they would call me and let me know when I started. One and a half weeks later... I was fed up with waiting so I gave them a call. Apparently, the manager that hired me has quit and my resume and cover letter "magically" disappeared and the new manager had no idea who I was. So after a bit of talking I set up a second interview even though I already had a job there *rolls eyes*. I worked for 2 or 3 months and quit because I had a better job lined up at another friend's Uncle's company. I didn't even have an interview there. It was basically, "Hi my name is Morgan," "Hi Morgan, you start on Monday." Yup, that's about the extent of it. It was a good job and paid pretty well.

That’s all for now I suppose. Hope everyone had a great Halloween!

Word (En)count(er) 347

Thursday, October 26, 2006

careers gone by..

In each of the three (four if you count a paper route) jobs I have had some , how shall I put it... "interesting" experiences. Most of these had to do with the manager but not all of the them.

The first job I had was a paper route which I started when I was around 10 years old. It started out as one route, 2 times a week and had to be delivered before 6:00 pm. This then became three routes, three times a week. Eventually, we got rid of the first route but continued to the the other two for a while longer. The total time I had that job was 7 years. I hated it so much but couldn't get rid of it because I didn't have another job. One day, I think it was on Halloween, I was supposed to deliver the papers right after I got home from school. Instead, because I really didn't want to do them, I put those papers in a bag and hid them in the house. They were eventually discovered by my parents and I got in trouble for it.. woops!

My second job was at the fast-food restaurant, A&W. Not one of my best ideas I've had in my life. I spent a total of one and a half years there and after the first month or so it became hell on Earth for me. I was called in at least once a week, every week because someone had left or was "sick." My first manager there was a guy named Tom. He was a really good manager and an easy going guy. He left about 6 months or so after I started and was replaced by another guy whom I don't feel like naming. I was really sick one time and my mother called to tell them I couldn't work because I was too sick. Not only that, but if I did work I would have contaminated everything I touched. Anyways, my mom called and the manager said to her, "Well he better get his butt in here anyways!" To my mother!!!! I quit that job soon after and bid that place adue.

My third job was at the movie theatre "Famous Players." not much to tell there because I lafter after about 2 months to get a better job. The manager wasn't very nice either and the assistant manager liked to through her power around. :P

My fourth job was at "Falcon Scaffolding and Ladders." It was a pretty good job that paid well and had a great assortment of people. Not only that, but I worked with two of my really good friends. I worked 3:30 pm to 1:30 am, Monday to Thursday. Basically I woke up at around 12-1, got ready for work, worked, went home, slept and so on. It was basically grunt work but it wasn't too bad and I made quite a bit from it.

Hopefully my next job will be better than the ones I have had up until now. I think it will be because most of the delinquints don't have an education and can't apply for the jobs.

Thats all from me for now. Ciao

El' Capitano Morgano

Word (Ac)count 540

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Well mid-terms are basically done, finally! I hope did fairly well. The Materials mid-term was a pleasant surprise as it was one of the easier of the mid-terms. I think I speak for everyone when I say that it is nice to get a good night's sleep finally. I was so tired during mid-term week so I’m surprised I did well. With the approach of All Hallows Eve, I am running around like a chickenless head (I do mean headless chicken but it sounds funny if you interchange the two...anyways...) trying to get my costume ready before any party or something. So that mixed with homework virtually every night is somewhat stressful. I guess I would have been better off if I had done some on the weekend... woops (*shifty eyes). For some reason I just can't get motivated enough on the weekend to do anything lately. I usually sit on my rear and do nothing. I guess after a full week of classes and homework I just have to do something to relax. Hopefully everyone else isn't being as lazy as I am on the weekends. On the school side of my life (in class I mean) things are going pretty smoothly. Materials is still as hard as usual, physics and math are going fairly well. Same with Statics and Tech Comm. Computer Applications is really easy now that we've started into PowerPoint (hurray!) and drafting is really interesting because we are going into the 3-D stuff. I really want to get back into AutoCAD because my writing is really messy and I hate using that stupid lettering guide :P.

That’s about it from me for now I guess. I'm starting to feel a bit hungry so I better finish this and get some food inside myself before I starve.

Ciao for now,

Word Count (Olaf) 308

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

mmmm turkey...

Well I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving this weekend. I for one sure did. My weekend consisted of lying around all day mostly and doing some homework as well. I did help out with cleaning the house and mowing the lawn. Well, more like I was forced to do it. I had another driving lesson on Sunday. It went pretty well I think. I didn't scare the crap out of the instructor and managed to stay on the road. Hopefully I can get my N soon so that I can finally drive on my own. As for school right now, things are going pretty well in my opinion. We wrote the Math mid-term which I for one thought it was pretty easy. Hopefully everyone else found it wasn't too bad.

Materials is over with too. WHEW! I was totally crapping my pants about that one. Turns out it wasn't too bad and I think I did fairly well on it.

Last night I went all out and finished 3 out of the 4 assignments I have to finish before I'm completely caught up. WOOOOO!!! Finally I can get back to a normal(ish) pace again.

The only real hard mid-term left is statics :O. I for one am not too confident about it. Of course you never know until you get to it I guess.

Good Luck too you all. Hopefully this is enough words.....nope.

I just remembered something else to talk about! Drafting. Didn't get much time to work on the current assignment so it looks like I'll have to go in one of these days and pound it out. Too busy studying for the materials mid-term. If anyone else needs to do the same thing maybe sometime we can all get together at lunch or something and get er' done.

Computer Applications is getting kind of interesting. We made a webpage with links and things like that in word. Thought that was kind of cool.

Well, I'm finally past the 300 word minimum so I think I'll wrap it up now. Once again good luck to everyone on the mid-terms.


Word Count [Dooku (hahah good ol' Star Wars)] 362

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Getting back

Well after being sick for 4 days I’m back and am trying to get back into the swing of things. It's still taking quite a bit of time to get caught up but I’m slowly but surely getting there. After getting back I had close to 11 assignments to get done.

Well it's getting close to mid-terms now and I bet everyone is feeling the pressure. Luckily for us, most of the exams are spaced out enough so that we have proper time to study. Our first one, Applications of engineering principles (better known as physics) is tomorrow. It shouldn't be too hard but you never know.

Everyone seems to be getting along better each day and helping each other out. We should get some studying groups going and help each other study. Of course if that happens we'll all get distracted with each other. Or at least I'll get distracted.

My favorite class right now is drafting. Right now we're using AutoCAD. It kind of reminds me of computer animation in grade 12. I really enjoyed that class so drafting is really interesting for me. I think it will be really cool once we get into the 3-D section of it. Once we get there, if anyone needs a hand, I will probably be helpful. Actually, I think that Drafting is the only subject that I’m fully caught up in. Woooo!

I'm somewhat caught up in Technical Communications as well. I still have to do the persuasive letter but so does everyone else. So technically (hahaha that’s a bad pun there) I’m caught up in that class as well.

I don't know about everyone else but it is getting harder and harder to do new blogs each week. You have to try to put something different each week but you run out of things to say (hence why I am writing this paragraph as well as this sentence I’m writing in the brackets. You have to add words somehow!)

I've run out of things to say so I think I'll sign off now.

Word Count ( Von Count) 350