Wednesday, November 29, 2006

10 years after

The question about where I see myself in 10 years has always bugged me. Whenever someone asks me the question I have a really hard time finding and answer to it. In high school I didn't know what I was going to after I had graduated. It was sort of a last minute decision to go into Mech. Eng. Also, I have a real hard time setting goals for the future. So 10 years is even harder for me to figure out where I'll be.

If I had to answer the question I would start with the first couple of years. I guess I would like to move out after I graduate, work for a few years after I'm out of school and pay off school and car insurance. Then I would go for a vacation somewhere for a while. After that I would keep working and then I'd like to get married at some point.

From this I guess I see myself, in 10 years, working in a job that I enjoy and hopefully married. I would also like to have a place of my own and get a better car. I'm not sure whether I would move out of Kelowna or not. I really like living here but I think that it would be nice to move somewhere else and get a better view of the world.

This blog is starting to get really boring and is really hard for me to write so I'm going to end it while I'm ahead.

Well this is the last word from me for now. Ciao once again.


Word (I no longer have words with) Count (in it) 278


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